Maurizio Moretti, pianist and orchestra conductor, is one of the Italian musicians which over the last years have gained great esteem in the international scene.
“Moretti shows his wonderful fraseggio and a proper technique in a total and complete fusion with the ConcertGebouw Orchestra from Amsterdam ...”
“The interpretation of Maurizio Moretti (artist known in Spain for its frequentes appearances…I can remember one of his magnificent performances) offered a great delicacy, with an unique sound in spiritual symbiosis with the orchestra and with maestro Peter Maag…a great sensitivity for a concert (Mozart’s K. 595) which one will remember.”
“The soloist asserted himself for a clear, delicate, pure sound in perfect coherence with the thought of Mozart and the original destination of his works for the aristocracy of Vienna…He was able to combine simplicity and vigor…large public...”
“Sensitivity, total technical control and poetry, are undeniable qualities of the young Italian pianist Maurizio Moretti at his premiere performance in the Stuttgart’s Maarmoorsaal…flowers and two encores…”
“…and for Mozart’s concerto in A major comes to the stage, accompanied by the Moscow Soloists under the conduction of Yuri Bashmet, Maurizio Moretti. He is the true interpreter of this page, attentive at each particular, at every nuance, offering moments of great intensity in the cantabile of the second movement and in the logic precision of the fast movements…!”
“Maurizio Moretti, accompanied by the superb Swedish Chamber Orchestra, demonstrates he is an extraordinary pianist by donating sobriety, precision and temperament to his interpretation of Beethoven’s Concerto op. 15. Great emphasis of melodic lines with a clear and fluid fraseggio…He is an artist who communicates art, simplicity and cordiality…His three encores demonstrate how he, above being a great virtuoso, is a poet of the piano because of his delicacy and sensitivity…What a splendid interpretation of Borodin!”
“The sound is present, the gestures fluid and without excesses. Moretti plays with the serenity of him who enjoys a mature career as a concert performer and the mastery of the technique that comes from a great school, that of Aldo Ciccolini at the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris. A large public was waiting for him…In Debussy’s Préludes he shows dash, delicacy and incisivity…he develops every aspect emphasizing an interpretative project aimed at valorizing each note and every moment of a beautiful concert...”
“…more engaging Mozart’s concert with Maurizio Moretti as soloist…the three themes and the two cadenzas of the Allegro allowed understanding his admirable fluidity and his weighted agogic sensibility. Then he has designed the Andante with perfect balance, almost contemplative…well done and stylistically perfect the brilliant dialogue with the orchestra…"
“Great concert in Bologna’s Piazza Maggiore to commemorate the terrorist attack at Bologna’s central train station. Toghether with the Orchestra Toscanini, soloist Maurizio Moretti acompanied by violinists Gabriele Pieranunzi e Cristiano Rossi…”
“…when its hands touch the keyboard of the piano the music begins to flow…Great concert at Vilnius’s Philarmonic Hall. The Italian pianist presented three classic 19° century pieces: Schumann, Liszt, and Chopin. He has told of himself while caressing the public…there were much poetry and concentration…”
“…A Chopin followed with respectful silence by the public of Teatro Real de Malaga…the powerful left hand and the very precise “octaves” …Liszt ‘s pieces were followed by Schumann’s kinderszenen, coherently with what indicated by the composer…very high overall quality…the public demanded two encores…”
“…stars of the performance I Solisti del Teatro alla Scala and pianist Maurizio Moretti, harmonious and precise, always attentive of every detail and the expressivity …a large public has filled all the seats of the beautiful Palladian Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza.”
"S uoni perlati che evocano evanescenze. Maurizio Moretti trasforma le note in nuance, impressioni poetiche, e nel suo recital di sabato al Lirico di Cagliari dà tocco levigato e lieve ai Préludes di Debussy. In Voiles così come nella Sérénade interrompue valorizza le tante sfumature timbriche del pianoforte, riflette in ogni aspetto l'orizzonte artistico del Novecento parigino.
L'incipit della serata parla però un'altra lingua, con lo sguardo rivolto a tempi più lontani per la Sonata n. 4 in mi bemolle maggiore K282 di Mozart, l'Arabesque di Schumann, la Vallée d'Obermann di Liszt. L'insieme è un'antologia musicale dove non manca neppure il tocco etnico della musica del catalano Mompou. Ma pur con le ovvie differenze storiche e stilistiche, a conquistare il primo piano è l'impronta personale dell'interprete."
Trent'anni o giù di lì sono passati da quando Maurizio Moretti ha cominciato a imporsi all'attenzione. Cresciuto nel Conservatorio di Cagliari sotto la guida di Ida Allegretto, ha raggiunto la maturità artistica alla scuola di Aldo Ciccolini. Ma a Cagliari continua a insegnare, dividendosi tra attività didattica e concerti in Italia e all'estero: ovvio quindi che per lui in molti si siano dati appuntamento in teatro.
In concerto Moretti va oltre le considerazioni di ordine filologico e punta deciso verso la piena realizzazione emotiva, dove l' importante è l'aspetto comunicativo ben più che il singolo aspetto tecnico. Così Mozart nel modo di intendere di Moretti è un anticipatore del romanticismo, con impeti e slanci che tracciano un fraseggio orientato a una resa espressiva che esce dai canoni della consuetudine. Un'attitudine che si ritrova in Schumann e in Liszt. Con melodie che vengono caricate di tensione, calibrate nel crescendo con abile uso delle dinamiche e del pedale. Ancora più marcate le caratteristiche di Moretti nei Notturni e nelle Mazurke di Chopin: cammei da incastonare dove il suono ricco di riflessi trova la sua dimensione migliore. La conclusione ha il calore e l'enfasi vitale dell'Allegro barbaro di Bela Bartok. A cui Moretti imprime toni di accesa e febbrile energia, in una prova di virtuosismo incisivo che spinge all'applauso."
Change Magazine
Le parole... interminabili, estenuanti, infinite.Oramai viviamo così, in un mondo dove si parla troppo, e il più delle volte a sproposito. Tutti hanno qualcosa di esageratamente importante da dire, vogliono far prevalere il proprio pensiero sul prossimo. Così si alzano i toni, tutto diventa più veloce, più pressante, ed ecco generarsi un immenso e continuo vociare fastidioso, un frastuono perenne e angosciante. Inconsapevolmente si arriva ad un punto dove non c’è più ascolto, comunicazione vera, rispetto. Tutto muta in rumore irritante che annebbia la mente.Eppure dietro la parola e dietro il suono c’è tanto valore ... Change Magazine
The Hong Kong Pianist Society
Fare dell’arte l’arte del fare / P.9 / Maurizio Moretti
«La musica negli anni 70 non era esattamente connotata socialmente come una professione sicura. La mia fortuna è stata che i miei genitori hanno lasciato correre la mia naturale tendenza verso il pianoforte. Una tendenza “da copione”, perché ho copiato da mio fratello, che poi però ha fatto il chirurgo, ma studiava pianoforte. Oggi però, a quasi 57 anni, posso dire con certezza di fare il musicista…»
In compagnia di Gianluca Floris, con la regia di Pietro Medda, un ciclo di puntate dedicate al mondo delle arti, per capire dalla voce dei protagonisti cosa significa il mestiere dell’artista: l’ospite di questo appuntamento è Maurizio Moretti, pianista, concertista e direttore d’orchestra.

Throughout his career, spanning more than two decades, Maurizio Moretti has performed in the most famous European concert halls and has had regular tours in France, Spain, Germany, Austria and East Europe, with the most praised orchestras including ConcertGebouw Kammer Orkester, Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Philharmonic of Moscow, Philharmonic Orchestra of Praga, I Solisti del Teatro alla Scala, Soloist of Moscow with Yuri Bashmet, Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto, Orchestra Toscanini dell’Emilia Romagna, Stockholm Chamber Orchestra, Philarmonique de Grenoble, Philarmonie der Nationen, Orchestra Filarmonica de Caracas, Frankfurt Staats Philharmonie, Orchestre de Cannes, Orchestre National de Lille, Filarmonica di Montecarlo, Finnish National Orchestra, Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra Nacional do Porto, Pan Asia Symphony Hong Kong…

He has worked with conductors such as Peter Maag (his orchestra Concuction professor) Justus Frantz, Saulius Sondeskis, Yuri Bashmet, Jean Claude Casadesus, Philippe Bender, André Bernard, Piero Bellugi, Marc Tardue, Jan Talich, Maxim Schostakovic, Woldemar Nellson, Patrick Gallois, Carlos Riazuelo and many more.

He has performed chamber music with Martinu Quartet of Praga, Amazonia Quartet, Ysaye Quartet, the pianist Gabriel Tacchin , Solisti della Scala, Solisti di Perugia.

His concerts in festivals, such as Menton Festival, Le Nuit de Suquet a Cannes, Festival Casals a Prades, Lille Piano Festival, Montecarlo, Hamburg Musikhalle, Konzerthaus Berlin, Festival Musical di Coimbra, Serate Musicali di Milano, Società del Quartetto di Vercelli, Teatro Olimpico di Vicenza, Teatro Real di Malaga, Auditorio Nacional de Musica di Madrid, Teatro de la Maestranza de Sevilla, Stuttgart Maarmor Saal, Vilnius Piano festival, Festivals de Arles, Gesteig di Monaco di Baviera, Konzerthaus Wien, have always received complimentary critiques.

Recently the Washington Post has defined him:
"a great pianist with a natural and amazing sound"
In 2002 he debuted in the USA, where, in his many tours, has performed Brahms’ Concert in D minor, Beethoven’s First Concert, Mozart’s Concert n. 27 and Rachmaninoff’s Second Concert and Paganini Rhapsody; accompanied by the orchestras of Indiana, New Mexico, Wisconsin and Colorado, Washington Orchestra, Illinois Symphony.

In 2005, he is invited for the first time to Japan for concerts and as masterclass professor. He has recently performed in an important tour in Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto.

His debut in China was in 2008, in cities as Pekin and Shanghai, with a great success in audience and where he returns every year for concerts and as masterclass professor. Since 2013 he is the Guest Conductor of the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra of Hong Kong.

An extensive discography; his first album is dedicated to Tchaikovsky. Other recordings include Beethoven’s concerts, live at the Musikhalle of Hamburg, directed by Justus Frantz, for HandelClassic; Brahms’ First Concert with the Finnish Symphonic Orchestra also for HaendelClassic; Mozart (Divertimenti for Strings and piano concerts); Mozart, Rachmaninoff and Ravel (piano duet); Wagner and Liszt album leaves; Schumann and Chopin (on the bicentenary); Rachmaninoff’s Second Concert op. 18 and Paganini Rhapsody.
He has signed with the Japanese Camerata Tokyo, German Classic Audio and Concert Hall.

He teaches piano in the Conservatorio di musica of Cagliari, and has been Guest Professor at Millikin University of Illinois (USA). He is Masterclass teacher at the distinguished Hochshule fur Musik F.Liszt of Weimar in Germany, at the Academy Music of Vilnius and at the Conservatorio Superiore del Liceu of Barcelona. He has been invited several times as instructor for the Kusatsu Academy in Japan. Currently he is piano professor at pretigious Schola Cantorum of Paris.

He is part of the jury of the prestigious international competitions Franz Liszt International Piano Competition at Weimar – Bayreuth, Andorra International Piano Competition, Cervantes Competition in Cuba, Piano International Competition in Campillos Malaga, Munich International Piano Competition, and many more.
For the next season he is awaited in important concert halls and theatres as New York’s Carnegie hall, Parisian Salle Cortot, Palau de la Musica of Valencia, Kyoto Festival and for a long tour in China and Hong Kong where he is a regular guest of the Hong Kong Concert Society and of the Hong Kong Symphony.